Heart’s Birth: A Haibun*


Fierce wind drops, noisy wind blows, flood water inside our house flows. My clumsy-self tries so hard to tie my only pair of shoe, I have to go to school, it’s my sole due. School’s our only hope, that’s our home’s breath. Family’s in falling slope, quitting school means death.

courageous heart was
born with home’s tough winter’s breath
dream on, mom ‘ways said.

©2016 Rosemawrites@A Reading Writer. All Rights Reserved.

Photo credit: Data

In response to Daily Post: Breath and Napowrimo Day 18.


Today, I’d like to challenge you to write a poem that incorporates “the sound of home.” Think back to your childhood, and the figures of speech and particular ways of talking that the people around you used, and which you may not hear anymore.


Haibun is a joining of prose and haiku. Originating in Japan, found as far back as the 10th century and made popular by Basho in the 17th century, it is autobiographic often taking the form of a travelogue. Modern haibun usually draws its inspiration from everyday events. The form usually opens with prose which is short narrative. It sets the scene or describes a specific moment in objective detail. The haiku that follows relates to the core of the prose bringing emotional insight through an intensified image. There can be one or more prose-haiku combinations.

  • The prose describes in depth a scene or moment in a detached manner. It should be brief, concise and poetic. It is written in present tense and does not give away the moment of insight that should be revealed in the haiku that follows.
  • The haiku should not be in direct relationship with the prose but bring a different slant to the images to heighten the emotion drawn from the defining moment of the prose revealed in the haiku. It should not repeat words or phrases from the prose.

39 thoughts on “Heart’s Birth: A Haibun*”

  1. Again thank you for introducing haibun .. Your blog is full of new stuffs… And I have really enjoyed your poem… It has happened with me too … And I think everyone has come through this heart’s birth … 😍😊👏🙌🌻💓

    Liked by 1 person

  2. quitting school means death ~> That’s a powerful line and it says so much. For so many people in poor communities where having a good education truly is the path to a better life, this line portrays their situation so well.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you for your thoughts, Jade. 🙂 That is true. And this is a true story, ‘my’ story actually. 🙂 The scene really happened. And yes, education has been a good key to have a better life for me and my family. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh my, now I re-read the poem with the knowledge that this is your story and that just makes the poem all the more powerful. I’m proud of you for pursuing your education Rosema!!Here’s to a bright future for you and your family 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautifully said, Rosema. So true.. Not everyone has the opportunity and choice to go to school. I hope the kids of today value their education and the rare chance to experience it. Brilliant!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. That is so true.. this is actually a true scene. my life’s true scene. 🙂 I can still remember how Nanay gave me three .50 cents during that day. She only have six .50 cents on that stormy and flooded morning. She divided it to me and my younger sister. She’s in Grade 1 and I was in Grade 2. That’s a childhood memory that I will forever remember.

      Liked by 1 person

    2. I think she is . 🙂 Thank you, Maria! Be proud of you own successes too! 🙂 I am not in my dream land yet, but surely I made some progress. And I believe so are you my dear! 🙂


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