lawn: a quatern*

Life goes far from a manicured lawn,more like a forest alley walled incruel, cruel thorns. They say the birds arefree of worry until you see a NatGeostory. Anxiety pumps in all hearts, ‘causelife goes far from a manicured lawn.While some flowers sing of new seedsgrowing inside their bosoms, dark dawnfalls on weeping trees cut on… Continue reading lawn: a quatern*


are thosewho killtheir critics.silence voices they wishto shut. like coffinlids. mouthsare meant to beclean with praises for the kings ofdemocracy. anyone turningleft will begagged. — 10.05.2022©2022 Rosemawrites@A Reading Writer. All Rights Reserved.Photo via UnsplashThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. For dVerse: Poetics: Allen Ginsberg and the Beat Generation#StopTheKillings #DefendPressFreedom

September of the tropics

I slept on the first morning and woke up on the 27th day. Time flies seems like an overused line. But how else could I say the passing of September? The plants I tried to rear last year are now vitamins on the dried potted soil. Death is silent. Usually.Autumn is a season I have… Continue reading September of the tropics

writing on writer’s block

my sweet little muse has beenasleep on a cornerdressed in specks of dust. unsure if she's down from glove punches or Hawaiian punch. i don't mixdrinks with ink. call me boringall you want. justwake my darling,fermentingmuse up. — 09.20.2022©2022 Rosemawrites@A Reading Writer. All Rights Reserved.Photo by Diane Picchiottino on UnsplashThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.… Continue reading writing on writer’s block

i wonder

Do the crows knowa group of them is called a murder?A murder, their lunch,delivered by guns onhumans' hands.Do the rooks wear some suit and tie, to fit their name--- a parliament. Do they get to decide wherethe next bomb willspit out its wreak? Oh, that's on us, again.These corvids probablythink these terms soundbest to describe… Continue reading i wonder

plot twist: a 100-word story

"For how can I be sure I shall see again the world on the first of May." My window was a painted sunset, in floating strokes of purple, orange, and raspberry's blood. I played a song about roses and taste of hope, my hips swaying free of audience, but mindful of the noodles not to… Continue reading plot twist: a 100-word story

prayer for roses

Dearestthe Philippines,I have a confession:in as much as my thumb aches toshade thename of the presidentmy bones believe for, mypassport is held in a foreign countrymy wingsclipped, face first, ona faraway soil. My tongue, bitten by the bile taste ofregret.I am alone here, curledin anticipation,choked in worry, even honeytastes bland.My nightsare prayers inthe dark. May… Continue reading prayer for roses

spring is earth’s bouquet

sold on a morningMay to him whosehands the clock hascolored gray, for agrave under a bowedoak tree where lieshis ring's eternalpair. — 05.04.2022©2022 Rosemawrites@A Reading Writer. All Rights Reserved.Photo by Daniil Silantev on UnsplashThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. For dVerse: dVerse – Poetics – Small Change or Big Bucks 

mid-air: a quadrille

rope. there is no rope nor a glassplatformnor a hand orthin twig to hold me feet dang-lingin this period of forced pause.static seconds delayeven the wingsof a soaring eagle.someone press the playbuttonplease. — 05.05.2022©2022 Rosemawrites@A Reading Writer. All Rights Reserved.Photo by Daniil Silantev on UnsplashThis work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. For dVerse: Quadrille… Continue reading mid-air: a quadrille

sparrow songs: a haibun

When I was a child, our rusted roof is usually dotted with sparrows looking for leftover rice. Hop. Hop. Hopping every morning. Singing to the tune of my mother's waking up pots. We are pardoned from the persimmon leaves of fall. The spooky skeletons of winter. However, our pockets are filled with flood that knocks,… Continue reading sparrow songs: a haibun