First Poem

Between the two of us, I am the writer, you were the reader. - And then, came the surprise with yesterday’s sunrise. - An English poem you’ve written. - For the first time t’was my turn to listen. - Imperfect grammar, misspelled words, well, I don’t care, if subject agree with verbs. - All I… Continue reading First Poem


Why can't you write a poem for me? I did twice, you're able to see. But you've written more sad poems that aren't about me. Oh that is true, I won't beg to disagree. - Why can't you write a story about me? I did twice, you're able to see. But those aren't about the present… Continue reading Conversations

Ten Valentine Reads (with *kilig* excerpts)

“There is no mistaking a real book when one meets it. It is like falling in love..." ― Christopher Morley Today is The Broke and the Bookish' Valentine's-inspired Top Ten Tuesday! Funnily, though, I published my own Top 10 Novels to Read on Valentine's last year (plus Top 10 movies!). So... for a change... I will be… Continue reading Ten Valentine Reads (with *kilig* excerpts)