Quick Coffee Date!

Rushing and rushing because the days are turning, turning as the sun keeps on shining and setting! Would you like to seat for a few minutes and take some needed breather and talk, of course, have tea or coffee or beer with me! 😀 So September ended swiftly and there are not scarlet and almost… Continue reading Quick Coffee Date!

Monthly Date (Blog Content, Announcement and a Question)

Will you guys agree with me that time is in a rush? Geez. One year’s now down to four months! Too fast! So before August ends, let us have some coffee, or maybe tea. But hey! It’s A Reading Writer’s 2nd birthday so we have wines and beers and cocktails around. Cheers!!! Come, let’s start!… Continue reading Monthly Date (Blog Content, Announcement and a Question)

Monthly Coffee Date

Cheeeeeeers to a productive July, everyone! 😀 Whew! I am still trying to rest my ink-stained finger (yeah, you know that is not true), while I write this coffee break post because what is more calming than smelling the strong scent of caffeine and tasting its bitterness invading your thirsty tongue... Okay, enough. 😀 Please… Continue reading Monthly Coffee Date