Twinkling Sky

The black blanket adorned with little twinkling lights stared silently as my gazing eyes let the pregnant, salty tears fall. My feet, soaked against cold knee-high flood caused by the constant battle between the moon and the earth, are both wrinkled and chilled.

Yet deep inside, my weary soul is wrapped with warmth— warmth after basking in the sea of hopelessness, warmth in a freshly found faith brought by those small stars which twinkles in sync with the beat of my tired heart.

If the mighty He made my tear-stained eyes see the stars’ sparkling beauty, He might also hear the fervent prayers of a little dot on earth called me.

Humans are under
the same changing, twinkling sky.
I am never alone.

©2016 Rosemawrites@A Reading Writer. All Rights Reserved.
Photo credit: Unsplash

In response to dVerse‘s Haibun Monday – Twinkle Twinkle by Toni of kanzensakura who also wrote about Night Sky!


Whether it is a childhood memory or a recent event, I would like for you all to write a one paragraph haibun ending it with a nature based haiku (remember, haiku are always about nature and haibun are always non-fiction).  Give us your heart, your humor, your expertise about the night sky….Whatever happened to you under a night sky from sunset to sunrise.

81 thoughts on “Twinkling Sky”

      1. I just finished a chick lit with a mafia crime backdrop for a seductive romance. Sizzle, sizzle. But, it was a bit too graphic in the love department. I started Nemesis, by Anna Banks, last night. Back to fantasy. 🙂 And you, dear?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Ooooh. That chick lit with crime sounds fun! HAHA. I saw Nemesis in your currently reading column in Goodreads. 😉

        I’m reading Unravelling Oliver Liz Nugent. I finished the first chapter last night and it is quite intriguing. It’s a crime fiction book. 😀 I smell blood and I think I will love it! HAHA (Am not vampire, promise! HAHA)

        Liked by 1 person

      3. HAHAHAHA. I’m completely for a bit of blood and gore! It’s Halloween soon here is the States. Fun! 😀 Let me know how you enjoy Unravelling Oliver by Liz Nugent and I’ll make sure to add it to my TBR. Thanks, sweetie!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. This is great, Rosema. I know that He hears us. He may not answer the way we hope, but He hears.
    I saw a beautiful sky tonight. It has been so stormy lately, clouds everywhere as far as I could see. Tonight, I could see a zillion beautiful stars and a crescent moon. It was great. 🙂

    Have a wonderfully blessed week!

    Liked by 1 person

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