
I’m back home to cook lunch when I heard my girls’ delighted squeals. I missed hearing them. I never thought I’ll hear their warm giggles again after their dad left us, for no known reason. There’s no farewell nor goodbye. He just stopped coming home. I quietly went up to sneak a peak and was… Continue reading Homecoming

I Remember

I remember how the wind comb your long black hair as we climb our favourite hill. I remember how your eyes brighten up as I give you wild flowers--- your happy pills. I remember our favourite tree. It stood firm and proud. While our young love’s too mute to be loud. I remember our spot.… Continue reading I Remember

Bus Girl

Stealthy as she has always been, I almost jumped when she wrapped her delicate arms around me. Age has made it more difficult to stand in an almost jam-packed bus, but the whiff of her freshly bathe scent distracted me the most. Oh, how time flies. *** It was my first day in a new… Continue reading Bus Girl