

are the days of a
clear, singing underworld
icebergs are made
of forgotten plastics
way, photographed
before it fin’lly sinks,
turtles’re choking with
once-kissed resin straw
we peeled your rainbow
scales with our cruel claws?

©2020 Rosemawrites@A Reading Writer. All Rights Reserved.
Photo via Unsplash
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
For dVerse Poetics: Sounding the Siren

36 thoughts on “mer-made”

  1. I like the wordplay in the title and the juxtaposition of the ‘clear, singing underworld’ with the human-made world of ‘forgotten plastics’ and choking turtles. The final question is hard-hitting.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s a fair assessment and a dire warning. Plastics and other trash ruin the Earth at the macro- and micro-levels. I’m sure you know that now there is an island world of floating trash in the Pacific. It’s enormous. And we’re breathing in molecules of pollution as well. It’s a theme I don’t think we can write enough about–and you about it strongly here, sister!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. 💛 You know, in a way one might think of that peeling of scales as something beautiful. Getting it. Though, when “none of worth – why worry – why care” is the view, even the child comes short. It has with heart to do.

    Ai enjoyed the technique by which you open two lines by a single word. Also in music, this way of doing it might be pointed at, some would now. Also, aI am enthusiastic about your finger pointing to the word “scale”. In Norwegian, that word would be “skjell”, and differently from in English, we have this adjective, which is “skjellig”.

    Your clear message is timely. The question in the end is of effect. Nevertheless aI suggest you turn those lines into a judgement. The question mark only rarely makes it, in poetry. 🙂


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