Come In

more often than not,
i find myself tucked
in between
crumpled sheets
of bed
and book
inside a well-lit
with a cuppa
black and hot
on the side,
paired with a blank
waiting, expecting
for the sudden flow of
as i breathe in
and out

come in,
join my community
of letters,
and rhymes.

with words, we are never alone.

©2017 Rosemawrites@A Reading Writer. All Rights Reserved.
Photo via Unsplash

In response to dVerse‘s Community by paul scribbles.
Today, write us a postcard poem.
Hello everyone, this is Paul welcoming you to the bar on my first night as an ‘official’ member of the team.
Thank You All for affording me such a warm invitation into this community of poets.
I am honored and humbled in equal measure.
So it is with no surprise then that my first official bar prompt for this Tuesday Poetics night is to be ‘Community.’


36 thoughts on “Come In”

  1. Oh how they did flow. I love this. It paints a very clear picture of the process of opening up to the community of words and phrases and punctuation-al impulses.The perfect response to the prompt. Thank You.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is such a cozy, warm little poem! The same way a community of writers is warm, cozy and often very welcoming. A very lovely and sweet little piece.


  3. Beautiful. Cozy and welcoming yet at the same time you hint you do not need anyone as you have friends in these commas, words etc…


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