First Time

Jason Mraz' very own garden. :)
Jason Mraz’ very own garden. 🙂

I have been in the world for more than two decades but last night was such a momentous night for me. It was a night of FIRST TIME.

Don’t think green hmm. This is legit. 😀

Last night, for the very first time, I watched a concert and it is no less than my favorite singer, song writer, musician, handsomest man, Jason Mraz! (Yee!) Judging that three-hour encounter, I can say that that night is the most awesome night that I had since my existence.

Jason Mraz with his equally talented band, Raining Jane, gave an exceptional yet touching performance last night. There were no dull moments. Every song tugs the heart. Every word touches the soul.  ♪♫♪

It was just last year when I become a hard-core fan of Mr. A-Z. His Wordplay and The Remedy were the first songs that I listed in my playlist. Initially, it was his voice that engrossed my ears, but as I continue knowing him as an artist it is his wise words that captured me most.

We made stars as Mraz sings 'I Won't Give Up'. (Goosies!)
We made stars as Mraz sings ‘I Won’t Give Up’. (Goosies!)

After the awesome concert, I learned a lot about him and about me as well. Jason Mraz and Raining Jane Live in Manila was entertaining, but it is not short in sense and depth. The entire concert is packed with hope, love, and optimism which are his trademarks. He showed-off his talent, but most importantly he gave his heart and soul to all his audience.

I recorded the entire concert and as I head home I kept listening and I can’t help but smile. Until now that I am writing this my Jason Mraz is singing with me in my ears. It’s such a very very awesome experience.

I hope and pray that this is not the last time. Please be back Mr. A-Z. Philippines will miss you! ☺♥

P.S. Photos aren’t mine. Will be posting my own soon as well as more Jason Mraz-related blogs soon! 😀


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