Monthly Coffee Date

Cheeeeeeers to a productive July, everyone! 😀 Whew!

I am still trying to rest my ink-stained finger (yeah, you know that is not true), while I write this coffee break post because what is more calming than smelling the strong scent of caffeine and tasting its bitterness invading your thirsty tongue… Okay, enough. 😀

Please take your seat now, let’s toast, and begin this coffee date. ❤

Fun-filled Wordy July

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Most, if not all, of you knew that me and my dearie Maria of Doodles and Scribbles hosted this month our very first writing/blogging challenge titled Word-High July: 30 Beautiful Filipino Words!

I learned hosting an event is actually tedious and tiring. BUT most of all I figured it is WORTH it! 🙂 I have come across great writers and poets who have flawlessly drawn inspiration from the 30 Filipino words. ALL of their takes are impeccable!

I can say a lot but one word, I think is enough. For them, I want to say SALAMAT. ❤

A Reading Writer has also featured 30 beautiful new words (new to me) from Sarah Doughty of Heartstring Eulogies. Thank you again dear S, for introducing me to them! ❤

A Bit Calmer August

So after a packed month, A Reading Writer will now be back to its regular programming. But not really back. 😦

In as much as I wanted to write for the regular weekly prompts that I do, job tasks have been at their peak currently and I am bracing for more next month. So for now, here are my non-ambitious plans for next month:

  • Resume writing for:
  1. Wednesday – Flash Fiction for Aspiring Writer
  2. Thursday – Three Line Tales
  3. Friday – Friday Fictioneers
  • Publish the free verse poems I have written and stocked in a Word doc since February. (Stocks are piling up. :D)
  • Post 2016 Reading Challenge update and Book Reviews. (I have 18 pending reviews. Geez.)
  • Write more collabs if someone wants to. 😀

Major Announcement

Last but not the least is that I want to tell you guys that A Reading Writer now has a Facebook page!!! 😀 (Am I too excited? HAHA)

It is still almost bare but I will appreciate you dropping by! It’s address is at:

Thank you everyone and may we all have a GREAT August!


Photo credit: Unsplashbestanimations.comPinterest

49 thoughts on “Monthly Coffee Date”

  1. You are TOO ADORABLE, sister–Big Congrats to you and Maria, you both did a fabulous job…and I can so understand the amount of work, in reading and commenting on everyone’s entry each day–WOWZA!! I will likely NEVER host a challenge–at least not one this BIG. I love you dearly, and will be praying about your very busy work schedule at your J-O-B. Remember that you MUST take time to REST–both physically and spiritually 🙂 And eat, always EAT (see, this is where it would come in handy if I was as close as next door…I could just keep bringing you plates of good stuff!!). Okay, I’m jabber-rambling because I’ve not been to bed yet…stayed up all night to do laundry this a.m.–so in approx an hour I’ll be crashing 🙂 🙂 xxoo, stella

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Sarah, I’ve probably been under a rock (go ahead and laugh), as I’ve missed those words you gave Rosey. Is it possible–pretty please–for you to direct me to where you have them on your blog? 🙂 I’ll make you a cyber dessert!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Congos sissy! I just enjoyed your lovely posts , Hats off …Pity you , the month was a hectic one . But yay,you are now in August so be little stress free haha ! …
    Not to forget , do enjoy your coffee🤓 😘

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Dearieeeee! Congrats again and again and again. And thank you again and again and again!! Wishing you all the best this month of August. ❤ Looking forward to all those stocked posts. I still haven't forget to bring body bags (just in case you try to kill anyone on my watch). Haha

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Congratulations to you and Maria for an exciting month of writing. You shared language and strengthened community. Wonderful accomplishments! Take a breath (take two breaths)–you two have earned it!

    Congratulations on your Facebook page, sister! I “liked” it right away. Your work is attractively arranged and clear to read. A new way to follow your fine art!

    Liked by 1 person

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