
A Reading Writer

I read because I write. I write because I read.


R. C. Gonzales is the writer behind the blog A Reading Writer. She writes poems as love letters since she was in college, but it was only in 2015 when she rekindled the love for creative writing after joining WordPress’s Blogging University: Writing 101.

Currently, she has three published books:

Poems for S: perhaps volume 1, Between My Bleeding Lines Extended Edition and Between My Bleeding Lines.

Her writing influences are her favorite writers — Mitch Albom, Maya Angelou, and
Rabindranath Tagore; and her beloved singer-songwriters, Sara Bareilles and Jason Mraz.

She holds a degree in journalism and is professionally a communications manager. She believes writing is like breathing with words and a day won’t be complete without a cup of coffee.


A Reading Writer is a result of a random thought that struck me when I was thinking of a blog name.

I do not want to try hard, thus, I resort to a simple phrase that constitutes my prominent interests, reading and writing.

I choose the article ‘A’ instead of the ‘The’ as I am not a ‘The’ yet.


It took me a lot of years to finally leap towards the ‘blogosphere’. And there is really a ‘force’ that somehow pushed me to dive! That is this quote from Maya Angelou that I cited in my very first post titled Agony.





200 thoughts on “About”

  1. Had to comment on your thank you post you wrote after the one you were hurting in very much. Than you for the mention. I couldn’t find the post on your blog. There is a line maybe in the Bible somewhere I think or maybe in a book. “He loved me at my darkest.” I think this is what God does for us. Not only does he live us but he makes that darkness fill with light .

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Sorry about that, Mandi. I accidentally deleted the post and had to make another one. -_- Too late because I am already heading home and had no internet any more.
      Geez. “He loved me at my darkest.” Thank you for sharing that. It touched my heart dear.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Hello 🙂 Very nice blog you have here. I really like your tagline because I relate to it so much, I also write because I read and read because I write :D. I’ve followed your blog I hope we can connect 🙂 Wishing you a good day from Cairo ❤

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Miss Johnson! Thank you for dropping by and most especially for your lovely words! 😀 I look forward in reading your stories, too! 😀

      And.. I am fascinated to know you are from Cairo! YAY! 😀

      Have a great day too! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi there! I am so glad to find a Pinay blogger here just like me. I was just browsing in my reader feed and found you after clicking some links. Been blogging since but it’s only now I put all my heart into it. I found yours inspiring. And it makes me happy to see a fellow Pinay who has the same passion as me.

    Liked by 4 people

  4. You are an amazing writer and blogger! I love that quote you posted by Maya Angelou. My final push to begin my blog was when I heard it said, “If there is something you are strongly passionate about doing, or giving, then there is someone who has an equally strong need to receive it.” Thanks Rosemarie for sharing your gift with us!

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Hi there Gilda! Thank you very much for your time for reading my About Page! 😀 😀 😀 I really appreciate it. ❤ ❤ ❤
      And your wonderful words make me feel extra special. So thank you!! Your final push are indeed wise words! 😀


  5. It’s so nice to meet you, and I’m glad I stumbled upon your blog Rosema. I see you are from the Philippines. My sister-in-law is also from the Philippines. She now lives in Canada with my brother and their children. I don’t see her much though, because I live in Brazil now.
    You have a lovely blog, and I love that photo you married together with Maya Angelou’s quote.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Oh woow! That’s so so nice to know! It is so lovely for you to read this About. 🙂 Yes I am from the Philippines. 🙂 I have a good friend from Brazil too. 🙂 I love Maya a lot! 🙂 Looking forward to visiting your blog too! 🙂 ❤


  6. Dearest Sister Rosey, sorry to be absent again–I’ve had a breakdown, so am not blogging at the moment (a few blogs still up but marked Private, as they are “sleeping”). Here is my email: rowerlrb@gmail.com. I pray you are well, full of Jesus-JOY, and that your book is enjoying great success. Love you, leslie (Stella, etc)

    Liked by 3 people

  7. This poetess is class apart. To her so much up close and personal has left me with a lot of learnings too. Your poems are like breaths, that one must inhale from time to time. Proudest of you my beautiful poetess

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Just found you again after soooo long. This is Leslie, from Seattle, Washington area, USA–now with new blog, writing as Zelda. No pressure to visit blog–just wanted to say “hi”, and let you know I’ve thought of you so often! Last I knew, you were married–I hope you are well and happier than ever! God bless you Abundantly. Much love ❤

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh my little sister, such a gift to hear from you tonight!!! Do you have children yet?? Just being nosy, hah! I want to be an “old auntie”. ❤ Love you so much, and I keep you and your little family in my prayers!!💖

        Liked by 1 person

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