honest august


Come in, don’t
be afraid, August,
our blunt fists won’t
bite your innocence,

we just want you
to please be honest,
when can we
taste the harvest
of our last months’
chaos and mess?

See, our nails
are filled with dirt
digging some
seeds of winter hope
to plant some
spring fruit of faith,

our tongues are
white with prayer,
our eyes salted as
blue sea in summer,

our feet chained
as a bruised flyer,
so can you whisper
to September and
her gangs of -ber’s
to make up for
the first half’s blur?

We promise to take
the lessons of this
cruel semester,
perhaps as much
as our mortal minds
can remember.

©2020 Rosemawrites@A Reading Writer. All Rights Reserved.
Photo via Unsplash
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
For dVerse Just Sayin’ . . .

29 thoughts on “honest august”

  1. lot of feeling here and also imagery. Wisdom and perhaps pleading to be heard, and for grace in the new semester, despite the harshness of the old semester/year, and the pain it brought. Hope you’re doing good Rosema. Have a lovely season.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Ah, I’m used to being home alone so sharing space again with family was hard — after having my own apartment and being used to my parents place being relatively quiet until at least 3:30 pm. Plus, I’m recovering so I’m right btwn now of not being able to work part-time but, needing something more to keep busy besides a few poems, meals, and house cleaning. Hard to do when everything was closed.
        Just miss friends, and not having to wear a mask everywhere and summer festivities.
        My casual
        Position at fundraisers was cancelled of course with Covid.
        But I can’t complain, my parents both have jobs. Dad had time off, but lucky returns to his school and other related Job. Mom went in each day as manager in her department. My cooking skills have improved much 🙂 My brothers fairly lucky too in the job front. One got laid off but had a govt subsidy and found other part time work, the other works from home and the office. So, we deal and no one sick 😷.

        How are you and your fam? How does Covid effect you? Do you work still?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh dear. you’ve been through a lot of adjustments but i love how you see the positives in these challenging times.

        I am still working from home and haven’t seen anyone from my family or even my husband since last February. But like you, counting the blessings instead of the uncertainties!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. Aw, sounds great a beach wedding 🙂 simple is never bad & im sure you looked beautiful in it. You can always upstyle simple dresses, my friend did that too in Cuba. I’m glad you stay in touch everyday, that w3 all have that capibility via Skype, zoom, or whatever. It does make maintaining any kind of relationship better.
        Hugs my friend and keep up they great work 💕

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Happy August, sister! Wow, this is good! Your descriptions of how we are after the cruel time so far are–white tongues, feet chained–creative and strong. Your word choice and phrasing, overall, are powerful. I trust August will respond well to your request.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. So far, sister, I’m doing all right. I was sick a few months ago, but it was a sinus infection, and I got better. Thank you for your prayers. You and yours have mine.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I love the imagery in this poem, especially the personification of August and the lines:
    ‘’…our nails
    are filled with dirt
    digging some
    seeds of winter hope
    to plant some
    spring fruit of faith’.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Lillian here…..So glad you posted to OLN and hope to see you at dVerse often. But — one requirement for posting at the pub is that you Tag dVerse or include a link at the end of your post. This insures others can find us and join in the fun….and also increases your readership. If you look at the Rules for posting at the end of my OLN prompt, it includes the requirement to Tag or link back to dVerse and gently warns folks that if this is not done, their post will be removed from Mr. Linky. I hope you’ll add a Tag or link….I’ve looked twice and couldn’t find it. I’ll check back in a while to see if you’ve adjusted…..if not, I’ll have to remove it from Mr. Linky. If I do remove it — I invite you to repost and add the Tag. I love having you here at dVerse!

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