song soup

take that cup, the
china one, dusting
inside the unlit
cupboard. pour

some notes of
G and D, let
your whisking
fingers swirl,

and swirl,

in the key of
C. see how
the dancing
strings strum this
stew of melody.
now let’s

sprinkle, sprinkle,

the lettered
honey dripping
from the flower
inside your
chest, rest

not, rest not,

those inked
fingers, let not
this batter
end up a mess.

patience, more

patience, stir,
stir and stir,
until this mixture
of tune and
rune form your
tired soul’s
much needed

soup of song.

©2018 Rosemawrites@A Reading Writer. All Rights Reserved.
Photo via Unsplash

For dVerse Poetics: Secret Ingredient 

38 thoughts on “song soup”

  1. The musical me danced to the groovy tune of your impeccable words. Smooth Jazz or Rock & Roll, I don’t know, but it makes me want to get the Viola and play that bass groove. Secret, but perfect ingredients for a chart buster. Your talent never fails to hit its alto, while yours words, one by one, breathe out their staccatos. Prouuuuudest of you, my Rosemarie :*

    Liked by 1 person

    1. oh man. oh man. oh man. look at this another set of musical recipe! how can i beat you in this arena? you are the musical producer! 😀 i am still proud to be next to the master, and to be his partner (for life). 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Oh I love that song soup in the key of C with notes of G and D! I especially enjoyed the sounds in the lines:
    ‘…see how
    the dancing
    strings strum this
    stew of melody’
    and the sweetness of:
    ‘the lettered
    honey dripping
    from the flower
    inside your

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, I love this! Especially right here:

    “patience, stir,
    stir and stir,
    until this mixture
    of tune and
    rune form your
    tired soul’s
    much needed

    soup of song.”

    Liked by 1 person

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