Feast of Friendship

The choir of clinks and clanks of plates and utensils welcomes us to the food extravaganza. The map-like buffet tables overflow with cuisines from Europe to America to Asia. Our stomach growls as our eyes take in the feast. Oh, it’s time to let our mouths be greased!

Tongues relish the fireworks of spices– sweet to salty to sour to tangy. Yet in between chewing meats and veggies, words become the best delicacy. Because the same delighted mouths tasting the delicious treats are also the noisy ones releasing more tasty stories.

A fun-filled dinner
as jovial as sun’s summer,
a feast of friendship.

P.S. Because food is best when shared with families and friends.
©2017 Rosemawrites@A Reading Writer. All Rights Reserved.
Photo credit: Unsplash

In response to dVerse‘s Haibun Monday: Yum!!! by Toni of kanzensakura.




67 thoughts on “Feast of Friendship”

  1. sounds like my friends at a meal and maybe my kids when they have friends over too – we love having potluck nights and everyone just brings a little something to share, your haiku was very light and joyful but I loved the second paragraph – the noisy ones releasing the more tasty stories!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I love the nugget of truth hidden in this glorious recount of delicious foods … that being the company of friends and family enhances the taste buds! There’s little flavor to eating alone. Beautifully written, and the haiku words “feast of friendship” are perfect!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “Tongues relish the fireworks of spices– sweet to salty to sour to tangy. Yet in between chewing meats and veggies, words become the best delicacy” sigh… incredible write!❤️

    Liked by 1 person

      1. If only I had the impulse or inspiration to create right now. I have been a bit down this week, was sick all last weekend. Sooooo, it’s made things a bit difficult. I will post a little something today though.
        Have a lovely weekend Rosema.
        🙂 ❤

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Someday I hope we have that chance too 😊😊 But your post is making me hungry and I ate just a couple of hours ago 😁😁 I need to try this new form of poetry. For some reason, it scares me 😕

    Liked by 1 person

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