Arrangement of Whites

Photo from Emily Blincoe’s Arrangements Collection.

Arrangements of whites—
divine, pristine petals and buds.
Laid side by side,
each flower’s a delight.

None can claim superiority,
they all possess unique beauty.

Just like women of
diff’rent shapes and sizes,
we are all belles of
the sun that sets and rises.

©2016 Rosemawrites@A Reading Writer. All Rights Reserved.

In response to dVerse‘s Poetic: Arrangement by Emily Blincoe by Grace who wrote her own poem about the arrangement of French Fries! ❤


The theme is arrangements.   You can write about the experience of looking at the photos, or write about the scene or subject being depicted in the artwork.   You can also write in the voice of the object (e.g. stones, french fries, toothbrush) or write in the voice of the artist, or you can relate the work of the artist to something else that it reminds you of.

58 thoughts on “Arrangement of Whites”

  1. Oh this is so magical and amazing. I do love how you celebrste the unique beauty of each flower, of each woman. Yes. We are all of us beautiful in our own ways. I especially appreciate the last two lines of this oem,

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