Writing Wells: People Behind My Words


“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” Louis L’Amour

My mind’s once a desert,
barren and wordless,
until it found its oasis,
with these writing wells:

Personal and Lists Posts

Maya Angelou

Inspiration for: Agony (first post) and Ending Agony.

Mitch Albom

Inspiration forDear Mitch Albom: A Ronsardian Ode*, Top Ten Quotes I Loved From The Magic Strings of Frankie Presto by Mitch AlbomThings I’ve Learned from Mitch Albom.

Nicholas Sparks

Inspiration forTen Books to Read if you Love Nicholas Sparks, The Best Novels of Nicholas Sparks Part 1 and Part 2.

Fiction and Poetry

Jason Mraz


Inspiration for: First Time, My Soul Sings, Fixer.

Sara Bareilles

Inspiration for: Seasons: Epilogue (last part of my FIRST-ever fiction), Used To Be Mine, City Lights, Sweet Sun.

My Family


Inspiration forTo my cook, hair cutter and one and only driver, Nanay, Mother’s ChoicesFirst Forever, Stead, Rainbow Roof, Six Sibs.

My Bestfriends


Inspiration for: Soulmates.

My Dearest


Inspiration for: Dearest, First Poem, A Senryu for MJ, Conversations, One, The Vow, Taught.

Photo credits: Unsplash

The Great Book of Lists by La duchesse d’Erat

Chapter 5.1– People Who Inspired You

Thank you for a thought-inducing prompt, Jartagnan! And for hosting this awesome list,  Laduchessederat!


45 thoughts on “Writing Wells: People Behind My Words”

  1. Oh my! You and I have quite a bit in common. I find inspiration in Maya Angelou too. I even have a poetry book of hers that I’m waiting to dive in. I’ve also read Mitch Albom and a couple of books by Nicholas Sparks. And Jason Mraz… love, love, LOVE him ❤ His songs can cheer me up no matter how down I feel. His songs are so inspiring and uplifting. Same with Sara Bareilles. But the best part is the smiles on everyone's face in those family photographs ❤ Nothing can top that 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. A poetry book from Maya???? OOOHHH! That would be AWESOME! 😀
      Thank you very very much for your comment! 🙂 I am sooo giddy to know that we have a loooot of things in common. 🙂

      Yes, my fambam is my greatest blessing. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I started a reply, then went to the sites of Jason Mraz and Sara Barailles because I don’t know their work so much. Then I lost what I had started. So if half a reply turns up somewhere, well, that’s how far I got. These persons are poetic and musical. Since you have those qualities in your work, it’s not surprising they inspire.

    I like the photos of your family, your friends, and your dear one. You two have great smiles, together! I’m happy you have such appealing folk (outside and inside) in your life and art.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are so right! 🙂 they are both wise, poetic, musical. They both write their own songs which are just beyond AWESOME! 🙂 Thank you!!!
      And… thank you very very much again. 🙂 They are the biggest blessings I have here on earth. 🙂


  3. There is so much sincere love in your heart. And what the heart’s well has, the mouth will spring it out (or the pen) 🙂
    Beautiful my darling friend!
    Please have a blessed week ahead!
    Dajena ❤

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