Dear News: Three Sept*


Dear News: Three Sept*

I dreamed
of writing,
seeing my name
in front of

I read
election, war,
I can’t help
but just

dream snapped
like tulip
killed by winter.
Dear news, I
once loved

©2016 Rosemawrites@A Reading Writer. All Rights Reserved.

Photo credit: Sergey Zolkin

In response to Daily Post: Snap and Napowrimo Day 16.


Today, I challenge you to fill out, in no more than five minutes, the following “Almanac Questionnaire,” which solicits concrete details about a specific place (real or imagined). Then write a poem incorporating or based on one or more of your answers.

Almanac Questionnaire:

Weather: Winter

Flora: Tulip

Architecture: Cave

Customs: Giving

Mammals/reptiles/fish: Rabbit

Childhood dream: Writing

Found on the Street: Cars

Export: Fruits

Graffiti: Bold

Lover: Dear

Conspiracy: Politics

Dress: Skirt

Hometown memory: Streams

Notable person: Mitch Albom

Outside your window, you find: Hummingbirds

Today’s news headline: Election

Scrap from a letter: I once loved you.

Animal from a myth: Phoenix

Story read to children at night: David and Goliath

You walk three minutes down an alley and you find: Trash

You walk to the border and hear: Jason Mraz and Sara Bareilles

What you fear: Dead

Picture on your city’s postcard: Buildings


The Sept is a simple invented form patterned after the number 7.

The Sept is:

  • a heptastich, a poem in 7 lines.
  • syllabic, 1-2-3-4-3-2-1 syllables in each line.
  • unrhymed.

Read more of my Napowrimo 2016 poems here!


32 thoughts on “Dear News: Three Sept*”

  1. Wonderful poem incorporating the questionnaire concisely. I agree with you, the news doesn’t much seem to be so good the majority of the time. “No news is good news.” Sorry for the lost dreams.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So true! I feel you. We rarely have good news in the papers these days. *sigh*

    P.S. I think you meant ‘once’ in your second to the last line. Happy day, Rosema! ❤ 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Totally agree! I hesitate to read the papers or watch the NEWS on TV. It’s just sad and makes you even sadder. But I do hope, someday we all get to read your lovely writings in a newspaper. That will definitely be good news and well, who wouldn’t want to read that?! 🙂 ❤

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