Real Neat Blog Award

Nothing beats the joy of getting acknowledgements from your co-bloggers. – rosemawrites

It is now my turn to tell how grateful I am to Annelise of The Book Adventures of Annelise Lestrange for nominating with my first-ever Real Neat Blog Award.

For book updates, reviews, and anything bookish, please do visit her lovely blog! 🙂

The award rules are:

  • Thank and link the person who nominated you. (thank you!)
  • Answer the 7 questions your nominator has provided.
  • Nominate 7 other bloggers and create new questions for them.

Here are Annelise‘s seven questions and my answers! 😀

1. Which are your favorite book genres?

Murder mysteries, contemporary YAs, general fictions. 🙂

2. Which is your Hogwarts house?

Uhm.. sorry. I haven’t read not watch any Harry Potter yet.


3. Are you afraid of porcelain dolls?

Not really. 😀

4. Do you read ebooks? What do you think of them?

Yes. Majority of the books that I read are ebooks. I have nothing against them, to be honest. BUT, I surely prefer ‘real’ books. For me, real printed books are more special. (More costly, too! :D)

5. If you were cursed and would only be able to eat one single thing for the rest of your life, what would you choose?



6. For how long have you been blogging?

I posted my very first post on August 28, 2014. So technically my blog is about… 1 year old and five months. But to be honest, I was actively blogging only after I joined Blogging University’s Writing 101 last September 2015.

7. Which are your favorite social media communities or sites? (Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, etc.)



My nominees are again, my NEWEST followers! 🙂 Thank you, guys for clicking that follow button! 😀

NOTE: If you are an award-free blog, that is perfectly fine. 🙂 I just want to show you that I appreciate your effort to click that FOLLOW button. 🙂

  1. Skipah’s Realm
  2. Pooja of That Weird Brown Girl
  3. Fawad Hassank
  4. Kah Choon
  5. A Short Conversation
  6. Austin of Writings by Ender
  7. Priceless Joy of Beautiful Words (My new-found blogger friend! :D)

My questions are:

1. Describe yourself in ONE word.

2. When and why did you start blogging?

3. Is there a person that you look up to? Who is it and why?

4. What’s the perfect pair for a book, is it coffee or tea?

5. Aside from blogging, name one activity that you truly enjoy.

6.  In your bucket list (or if you will have one), what country/place will be on your top spot?

7. Do you have a phobia? What is it?

That’s it!


44 thoughts on “Real Neat Blog Award”

  1. Your responses are terrific. Cheesecake forever? Sounds good! (I’m sure all the food groups are in there.) The questions you, in turn, are offering are creative and should garner great response. Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

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