Childhood Treasures

Look at the world with the child’s eye – it is very beautiful. – Kailash Satyarthi

I am a millennial.

I am one of those billions born during the 90’s. Titanic was a hit during that time. Pixar’s first animated movie, Toy Story was shown, technology becomes revolutionary, Philippines was hit by a strong earthquake and so on.

As the world creates it’s own memories, my infant-self was painting mine, too. And here’s a list that will give you, guys, some short of my childhood overview.

1. Printed jumpers is my major fashion statement. (Thanks, mom!)

(L-R) My cousin Jen, Joby and me!

That’s my second sister Hannah and me!

2. Picking ‘sampinit’, a local wild berry here in the Philippines, are our gang’s hobby!

These thorny plants bear red tiny fruits that are mostly sour but tastes great with sugar and powdered milk!

We manage to pose while we’re looking for sampinits! Yes, that girl with a cap is me! (facepalm)

3. School supplies should always be colorful, yes, colorful!

4. Hair clips should be moving!

This craze was started by a Filipina artist/actress named Jolina Magdangal. My mom and granny bought me a lot. I think they like it! 😀

5. Desserts are cheap, and colorful!

Haw Haw Flakes

iced gem biscuits

White Rabbit Candies

5. A day won’t be complete without Filipino-dubbed Japanese animes! 😀

Voltes V

Ghost Fighter

Fushigi Yuugi! (This one’s my favorite! :D)

6. Toys are simple, and of course colorful!

I think this is the very first toy that I can remember! 😀 Though, I enjoyed paper dolls, too!

Photo credit: FavimChoose Philippines,, and

I could list more but I have to stop now!

You made me nostalgic, Laduchessederat!

This post is part of my dear friend’s awesome blog event: The Great Book List!

And for this week, we are asked to list our Treasures for Childhood!

Want to join?

Hop on!



58 thoughts on “Childhood Treasures”

  1. Love your reminiscent of past and reading it here in Pakistan, I can relate to it. I was in school when I saw this fashion of moving clips here. It was for a short period of time but moving butterflies were very popular in those days.
    An enjoyable read !

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Ice gem, haw flakes and rabbit sweets were my favourites too! Oh…I love Fushigi yuugi (I still have the VCD… LOL! Tamahome was my fav!!! ❤️❤️❤️) It was the anime that got me hooked to Japanese anime. Didn’t know we have so much in common! 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. REALLY??? WOW!
      I never thought that we have so much in common, too! We share most of my childhood trinkets and I soo love to know that!
      Tamahome is just so handsome! 😀 And their love story is just soo… kilig! 😍

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I am not a Millenial, but I am a Voltron fan. (Which Voltes V looks like.) Another, kind-of connection is your image of the Slinky. The Slinky is a Pennsylvania product from Hollidaysburg (PA). About an hour and a half east of where I live. (Wow, shorter than your commute! But then, when I drive there it’s not the creative act you’ve made your commute into.) I really like learning from these memories. And I especially appreciate your words: “As the world creates its own memories, my infant-self was painting mine, too.” Well-said! Thank you!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Woah! That’s good to know! 😀
      You really love my printed jumpers? 🙂 They actually make me cringe. HAHA!

      Thank you for your great idea! It brought back great old memories! Looking forward to your next topic! 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Those berries loo1k just like the ones I pick half a world away! Same thorny vine, same leaves! I just found a bag of them that I froze over the summer 🙂 People look at me like I’m nuts when I go about with my ziplock bag gathering berries from the side of the road (same with wild apples) but free produce is free produce! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes they are fresh! I think they are in the same family. The wild berries here don’t get as large. They stay small but they look exactly the same. They’re only out for the four weeks of July and then they’re either picked, eaten or so overripe that they’re rotting on the vine. I pick as many as I can and freeze ’em to eat all winter 🙂


  5. You look so adorable dear ❤
    I love the idea of these posts! I can relate to almost all the things you listed above 🙂
    I'll rummage around and see if I have enough pics with me to be able to do a post… It'll be loads of fun.
    Thanks for such a lovely post 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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