WRITING 201: Faces of Love

Love’s strength lies in its contradictions

while contradictions strengthen love.

Love lasts because it changes

while changes last because of love.


©2015 Rosemawrites@A Reading Writer. All Rights Reserved.

Photo credit: evolvingloveandlight 

Bold and italicized lines are from: Manuscript Found in Accra by Paulo Coelho

Manuscript Found in Accra

In response to Writing 201 Day 6 assignment:

Day 6: Faces, Found Poetry, Chiasmus

Before we learn how to read words, we learn, intuitively, to read faces. In today’s poem, take a single face or a multitude of them as your point of departure.

It doesn’t even have to be a real-life, flesh-and-blood face you’re writing about. Faces are ubiquitous in the texture of our daily lives, after all, from portraits in the museum and the banknotes in our wallets to billboards and street art and online profile pictures.

I almost skipped this assignment because work’s very busy and the topic’s really hard.

Glad that I was able to come up with this short piece.

I hope it made sense.



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